Saturday, October 27, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Men In Black 1997 Movie Film. bob blockus generated new type of Earth Like People who are into being close tabs onto bob blockus. We also developed a award winning galaxy deep space the Earth Like People can span the universe. What harm can it do for Civilized Planet Earth? Oh dear.

Mr bob notes

China Government: Circus Circus Navada Dani Mathers, Liv Lindeland, and Miss October 2008. Kelly Carrington bob blockus. Three Maintenance personal from the lakes office as body guards and two full time police auxiliary Raleigh, North Carolina. Connecting resort suites rooms. Two weeks before start of Princess Cruise to Panama Cannel. Jack Hanna takes down notes whole trip in charge. Then Ice Road Truckers History Channel. We thank you for your service

Thursday, October 25, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Watson Lake, Canada Cariboo Dreams Re/Max Country Lakes Realty. North Carolina city state wide Police Officers. Build new manufacturing plant for Buick luxury trucks and Suvs and Hummer's.4x4 rugged waterproof. Built in online finance & bulk shipping orders. Built in domestic truck company within Canada. Build construct manufacturing plant and village condo homes and shopping district. Name: Bright Night Stars North. Higher wages. No union. No company benefits. Secure on line data base for whole operation. Thank you

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Mr bob notes

China Government: Richard Branson of the Virgin Group over in England United Kingdom truly understands that friendship does takes place with Zak Bagans and the whole work crew staff of Ghost Adventures and the whole work crew staff of Ghost Hunters. Friendship into bob blockus. Europe, Asia and rest of the world is trying to filter in the best of vibes in media press relations. New York City taxi cabs should change color to Yellow and Blue multi color with upgraded stop roll bar flashing lights. It is very good idea for New York City Citizens to help each other out with motivational guidance and don't be rude with one another and bring peace to children and police officers. Thank you 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Fargo, North Dakota. New development center of science & Industry of cavemen before mankind way of life and development of space stations & moonbase way of life. Non stop very entertaining and learning electronic data touch screens and museum quality talking movement displays. International food sit down food court high class dinning. Open 24 hours 365 day's each year. Non stop high speed train passenger service terminal office lobby to state of Michigan Hilton Hotel complex. Russia company owned and American finance insurance institution state farm. Raleigh, North Carolina Fire Departments & Police Department personal project operation development. Estimates about $200 million.

Monday, October 15, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: The New Swiss Family Robinson. Thinking logic opens doors in award winning true tone voice talking drama on whole network system in whole World-Wide locations. We understand movie and television and music industry love the gifted generated strong story telling time periods of bob blockus. We work together to bring out best performing entertainment. Strong focal point to try and understand who is bob blockus. Radio presenters and show performing guests manipulate high standards of icon legend that never make other planetary planets miserable with lack of self esteem. Total respect = bob blockus. We value true team players. Never die young.   

Sunday, October 14, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Cereal Boxes are very good for third world countries who need to change supplies donations from United States. Why utilize bags and bags of supply rice when one can snack on Cereal Boxes with many types of color boxes and images from United States. Cereal has the get up and go energy drive and bags of rice is very dumb. Much more fun this way. And think of the variety of tastes from brands. Pacific Northwest Boeing Aviation Corporation can be in tune with this development with network cable channel VH1 Classic. Thank you

Thursday, October 11, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: United States crime encounter trust team Mafia. Should utilize the stock market metropolitan areas and push forward needed cash flow and financial people & individuals helping small medium big large size corporations left and right black and white. We value friendship and guidance the economic business world of movers and shakers. When one play's a fair game of life. One should be pushed forward from the Mafia. We value less crime and more laughter and good honest sexual insights with family growth and stability. This is the new United States Of America.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  United States metropolitan areas should offer more work green cards to Russia & It's boarder lined countries. We feel that city-wide police departments be able to help locate jobs in food & beverage department of sports stadiums and high class resort hotels in all departments. Companies must fallow rule double up as working teams. So more people individuals can be hired. Police departments in United States should offer work green card identification online applications and process when on location. We feel that minimum wage jobs less American Citizens wants. And big opportunity for oversees work force brought inside into United States Of America. It is right to marry American Citizens to stay in the country. Jerry Reed. We thank you for your service.

Monday, October 8, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Bill Gates & Henry Winkler developed semi smart house with ghosts solid images with sound movements and motion control. Long range wifi hotspots trigger super natural entities. From Empire State Building New York City and Sears Tower Chicago. Apparitions move freely inside home building units and then chase out when one gets them pissed off bad big time. Europe football player helped with the experiment with bob blockus. Every now and then the selected ghosts speak and move about inside units. Then when the entities leave the unit they turn into real solid apparitions and flee. This is not a test. This is very real on going project. The Lakes, North Carolina.

mr bob notes

China Government:  Lightning thunder basic tools of mother nature magnetism double universes travel of space people on Earth. Planet Pluto is known to started major chemical reaction on Planet Earth. And utilize it's Pluto People for Earth People to evolve more quicker & stronger. Electrical currents through claps of thunder lightning open the doors of people travel onto Earth. Most famous individuals go back into time and travel into the future such like this semiconscious mind thinking. Swiss Family Robinson film movie 1960. What an idea, wow.

Friday, October 5, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Spirit Ghost Locomotive Productions Incorporated. Wichita, Kansas. develop small size bullet gas powered trains and self propelled magnetic rail cars. For the Asia & Australia marketplace. One fifth size of normal bullet trains. Monorail system that is gas powered. Use internal city main streets of populated areas. Above traffic and pedestrian level walking. Make web of new companies that will be responsible for it's transit authority and management. No set departure times and or arrival times. Only from point A to point Z non stop. Rule of thumb about 300 miles. Passenger rail cars can be utilized as first class dinning cars and party cars on request bookings. Monorail systems run at night time only. We value slow speed and safety. And better construction manufacturing team spirit. Tropics theme inside with tropical music. Thank you

Friday, September 28, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Mid Size classic whole ideas Disney Movies. Bob Blockus is very much a true large king. When it is right we know who the women are that is into Bob Blockus. Think smart and get big time love and respect. The world leader in whole film movie ideas is Bob Blockus. Horse Sense 1999. Very much know who is a king.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Diane Sawyer 1953. Signature of success is the cruise line industry. Will Smith movie music actor singer should develop better onboard and off board ship activities for work force & crew members of whole industry world-wide. Digital display atm type machines onboard in crew areas with read print out injected disk. Account funds to pass around and share. On shore night clubs gatherings and pizza dinning places. Discounted travel agency with E Tickets. Project Managers: Nick Nicholas Ford Inverness, Florida. About five years of time and investment. Name: Socal Aspen Me. The atm machines. The pipline of social graces is always in Aspen, Colorado. Thank you    

mr bob notes

China Government: Icon stars starting to dream big about time travel onto other worlds and back onto Planet Earth. High energy within the human mind. All we need is motion containment protective space flight after lifeless body. Knight Rider classic episodes of bob blockus technology. We think logic and try not to justify our own mistakes. England & Germnay has this technolgy now. From the makers of Microsoft Corporation. Knight Rider "White Rock". We thank you for your service.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Michael Lange of Alaska. Develop another show stopper television episodes of MASH 4077. This time in the south pacific islands during World War Two. Army military medical outfit with fighter pilots and a couple of island based military patrol boats. Communications break down disturbance between commanding officers and life of island life. The eight factor in trade agreements between other islands and military Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii. George Strait music singer does the icon star as Hawkeye Pierce Character. Japan culture modern pop music within the new episodes. Name the television show: Mash 4077 "Two". Thank you

mr bob notes

China Government: Whole corporation of fox news and it's affiliates kind of respects bob blockus. The movie film 2001 A Space Odyssey. Ups and downs technology of talking deep space computer. We are learning that deep space flight is very smart with computer technology. It is true that the music singer Madonna should leave the music industry and work for space exploration companies in Russia and in England United Kingdom and in China. A upper hand up leader in innovations. 2001 A Space Odyssey. We thank you for your service.

Monday, September 10, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  bob blockus understands that Jewel Kitcher wants Mr bob inside her family. Help out with inside love, sex and personal accounts override kind of stuff. Second state of Texas home for Jewel 9341 Bella Terra Drive. Fort Worth, Texas 76126. bob blockus gets set of house keys and Jewel Kitcher family can travel around with bob blockus stuff. Thank you

Thursday, September 6, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Metropolitan insurance companies in populated areas of the united states should consider new insurance quotes with built in re build factor. We understand owners of real estate should re build every five to ten years. Keep up with modern times and advancement of interior technology. Straight forward thinking logic be benefit helping the whole construction industry offering massive of job opportunities left and right. Take down procedures with code of ethics and getting back discounted insurance loans to help re build. We value trust and rewards from being clients into the insurance industry. Big music drama into will smith Miami Music Video. In the land of Australia. bob blockus is known as Mr big. Because whole ideas keep coming into the system. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Apple Macintosh Corporation understands the true art of competition within whole computer industry left and right. We understand the value of the long gaps between ideas from bob blockus. It flows with the territory of whole ideas that United States & England United Kingdom share in the same seasons of Thanksgiving & Christmas. The value trust of IBM & Microsoft. It is not about money wealth. It is about people and indiviudals working together as strong unit of unity and breaking down barriors of technolgoy. Big civalized world of economics of tall sky office complexes and valued trust of co workers. We rock our own world and trust the American Currency. This seasons of thanking and gifts. We think of Pirates of Silicon Valley. 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Roadways and Highways be more responsible for individual and commercial drivers. Auto tags when ordered should have extra annual cost to help pay for area sector locations throughout the United States. We should discontinue ticket entry booths. Upswing more high performance traffic construction and perform honest safe maintenance. Construction and maintenance work crews can be transferred and travel throughout the United States. Center stage base of operation can be in Boston, Massachusetts. Logistics and budget money are the key factor making each worker happy for long periods of honest work and opportunism. America's Roadways and Highways are the lime light of valued historic trips for each American family. We owe our auto, truck, bus, traffic system being the very best whole system in the world. Everything should not be messed up in a tangled spider web. It should sing with harmony. Thank you

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  International love guidance control of deep space conquest. Always starts with the gifted ideas of bob blockus. It is understood that one must know aero dynamics, jet engines, magnetic filed entry & re entery and sound wave movements tied into a super computer high velocity nuclear reactor. Why go through thick heat circumference of planets. Do it the smart scientific way. Space magnetic field sub zero displacement engines. With the right tools and logic know how. No sonic booms. Warp factor 2,700. Electro magnetic field also helps protect nuclear reactor core on deep space flights. Why get motion sickness when on long deep space flights. Always go from point A to point Z in a matter of minutes. Our solar system was born into the future. We must look back at the expert advice of bob blockus. This is why we value science over politics. Helping man kind succeed into deep space flight. The old age Planet Pluto, Planet Saturn. Thank you

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Giant Industry of Fast Food Companies & Hotel Motel Companies. Come out with a new work ethic policy to help steer America into Middle Class Citizens. When one gets hired offer assistance in banking, instant temporary loans, higher education degrees, one week pay check periods with company monthly bonuses. Never let an employee go. Always move them around within the company. We value internal companies as whole families. Offer custom made catalogues to offer prize token gifts that's worth more than normal pay checks to employees. Establish discounts on travel and entertainment within the company catalogues. Offer online support profiles of each employees with contacts information. We value friends co workers for life. Bank Of America corporation board of directors key figure guidance for this project. Thank you  

Monday, August 27, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Bernard Goldberg Yacht Management Team. Beverly Hills, California. Name company "The Five Yacht Stars". Hire full working staff and open office store front 24 hours. Have learning training classes for new crew placement. Everything done internal. Cruise Ship Liners job placement accounts can be also fulfilled. Easy online applications and quick turn around hire process. Education teachers from Ohio State University. Second Yacht Management office can be established in Tokyo, Japan. Crew Placement, Yacht Management, Yacht Finance, Yacht Marketing. Thank you

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Russia Tea Party. Russia Politics into thinking logic of bob blockus. We span globe for best honest thinking mans womens game. Take brunt out of normal work jobs into gleem light of good safe live show stunts. That help icon image of bob blockus. Generation of achievements of over 40 sum years a new prime organization as RTP. Can produce award winning news casts and television network cable shows. Make personal income money and opportunities for young and old. We value respect and sometimes harsh judgments onto people individuals. We like to upswing more growth opportunites and bring in guiding light of laughter. When money is good we have less crime and eduational issues with schools and universities. Music, Movies, and Radio Stations network shows next step. Spear head the new organization Russia Tea Party from University Of Liverpool England We may think twice. It may be good to think with bob blockus. Thank you   

Saturday, August 18, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: United States Government should work on having less laws and less arrests by police and law enforcement. Today's society we are more mature and grow stronger with solid good family values and education. City Ordinances be more stiffer to help fight crime. Richard Branson wants United States people & individuals to be more free and more open minded. We value a strong happy nation that is under the loop hole of creativity. Thank you 

Monday, August 6, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado. Should team up with Disney Corporation. Establish new Capital Marketplace Commercial spy ring onto bob blockus. Hire outstanding North Carolina, Colorado, And Alaska Citizens. Buy high quality estate homes for work force staff in outskirts area of Colorado. Make a "GOOD GAME Minister King" for all the television cable networks. The highly publicized weathiest The First Kid Bob Blockus. Hire about 2,500 work force. Incorporate Sony and Panasonic studio stuff. Issue out year to year contracts to television cable networks shows. Writers scripts and photo video images United States, England, United Kingdom market place. About ten years strong.

Friday, August 3, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Metropolitan Cities throughout Hawaii Islands, Alaska and United States. Subway dinning places Organize manufacture new type order online Photo ID gift card. Built in unsecured line of credit of about $2,500. And ability to add more funds for subway food. Citizens able to utilize the card for domestic travel services uses. One subway travel gift card per customer. No interest rate or monthly service fees with one time pre pay fee $400. Sometimes it is good to have loop hole in the United States for bug out times. The moon and stars sometimes right. It is also good to think through stuff first.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: LA, California Traffic Plan. Develop social media web site myspace into grand scale social network job data base for whole states of California, Washington, and Arizona. When one has too much day in day out traffic issues with job & family. Easy hire and job performance tracker online applications from major employers. One stop place for relocating information and guidance. At same time making new friends & associates. It is rewarding for always having knowing how to get jobs right online with little guess work. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: The United States House of Representatives Should develop more quick and easy loop holes in the income tax returns. Before file procedure is done. One can check some boxes that best describe one self or family house holds. This way one or family house holds can get good specialized government stimulus checks mailed out right away. Sometimes free money for life purpose expenditures goes a very long way. Establishing economic structures. We agree:  United States Income Taxes should be fun and exciting. Finding knowing about stimulus checks for extra quick cash when needed. Thank you.  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Peter Edwin Allen 1946 UK Broadcaster. X-Men First Class cast members. Aaron Wilcoxxx, Alyssa Reece, Britney Amber, Celeste Star, Damien Parks, Evan Stone, Kevin James, Krystal Benz, Maria Bellucci, Sky Taylor, Tommy Gunn, Victoria Lawson of Playgirl our Little Secret 10/13/2010. State Of Alabama. Build new theme park wilderness resort. Name: Thunder Ridge Galactic. Open year round. Ultra modern long lasting indoor roller coaster rides, two. Name: Galactic Tornado "A old western town slow ride indoor roller coaster with western theme music, western dance 3D, western gun battles 3D, western cowboys on cattle ranch 3D. Weather sub culture visual feeling effects". Name: Big Lobster Revenge. "The A Team fast moving ride indoor roller coaster with learning about microbiology and ocean geography through modern day ocean going ships. at same time special award winning drama sequences of The A Team". Village town small size mock up of Paris, France with real Eiffel Tower. Gift shops & few social gathering dinning places inside and outside cafes. Olympic Winter & Summer games ultra modern indoor venue hands on learning center buildings. On location theme park walk through learning soda soft drinks manufacturing plant small size. Inside theme park wilderness two story cabins clusters for weekly rental. Population about 3,500. Electric gem car rentals. Second standard amenities. Wilderness Lodge of Jackson Hole Wyoming outside the theme park. 12 stories high with all the amenities of first class resort. Ultra sonic monorail system throughout the theme park and inside the Wilderness Lodge. Expansion for about two other theme parks possible for future development. Modern beach lake Hilton Resort on the outskirts of the Thunder Ridge Galactic property. Four main owners of theme park business Peter Edwin Allen, Bob Blockus, Richard Bacon, and Atanasov-Sergey. Management. On location HR Office open 24 hours. Registered Alabama establishment purchase residence office. 621 County Road 604. Hollytree, Alabama 35751. Agent Re/Max Alliance (256) 799-2999. Ownership office residence in the name of Richard Bacon. Theme Park Resort President is Christina Gregg. Thank you. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Orange County Sheriff's Office,, Mark Don Johnson 1949 New television episodes = Miami Vice Extreme. On location in Miami, Florida and throughout coastal parts of Eastern & South Florida. Same type of episodes music suspense drama and inside people individuals corporate businesses & Luxury Estates and Hotels to boost moral judgment issues. Real cops, real film making masterpiece. Have no problem police and law enforcement participating as extras cast crew. Web data base full of credits, profiles, video clips, and message thread boards with user names and profiles. Real player for full episodes archived after one years air date. Thank you. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Tale of the Whale Add to the menu. Light batter large size golden brown crab cakes, home made french loaf hamburgers, shoe string french fries. Thursday nights about 6 PM. About two years. Open to general public for 5 card stud poker nights with limited open bar and snacks. Close circuit television video sound cameras into cbs news studios nationwide Poker nights donation to dinning place. Each customer pays for stack of poker chips $500. Poker nights last for about five hours. No one wins because the poker chips help pays for dinning place electric costs & whole working staff tips. When police and law enforcement shows up. They get free stack of poker chips. Thank you.   

Sunday, June 17, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Lady Madonna the music singer Should consider liquidating whole Gaylord resort hotels and entertainment company Change entire outfit corporation over to music movie singer actress to Britney Spears Small time lawyers Y 100 FM Miami can spearhead the change over corporation name into Britney Spears Entertainment Group. Worthington, Ohio new corporate complex. Thank you. 

mr bob notes

China Government:  Princess Cruise Line Start changing out changing in for new built super-class cruise ships. Build three at same time. Ice Atlantic Princess, North Atlantic Princess, Summer Beginning Princess. Purpose longer range with no needed shore dockage at selected ports of call. Average cruise destination days about 23. All deluxe suites and full deck of presidential suites. Four story dinning area oval shaped middle of cruise ship with entry way check in check out grand lobby. Several long warm water swimming water fall pools & hot tubs. Shopping international duty free stores. Double size crew staterooms. Super-class cruise ships same room key good for two months for passenger usage, price fair. We value long duration cruise voyages with many special selected in room purser free gifts. Older Princess Cruise Line ships can be taken out of commission and sold for scrap metals. We also value in room direct communications with lobby and bridge commanding officers area. For any additional added requests. Thank you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Mash television episodes 1968 novel into Series 1972 - 1983. We value North & South Korea Military of United States. Always enjoys rest & relaxation purposes in the country of Japan. When practical jokes get out of control. It's always to hammer down the whole base. Cool down period of personal social times with each other one or two days. Orders by the acting commanding surgeon. We value true religion grace factor with guidance of personal visits from the Chaplin. We agree in modern times of two sides of North & South Korea. It's best for the two governments to spearhead better control of finance taxes and spread the wealth more evenly in remote regions who need government support. Better income jobs, better schools, better society way of life. Such as golf country clubs. National park lands should be generated by the two governments. North & South Korea always look up to the wisdom of bob blockus. This is because bob blockus whole before ideas. Mash television episodes. Thank you.       

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Horse Sense movie 1999. Never before true wisdom guidance. Famous story comes to reality to children of all ages within the Disney Corporation. Shadows of spirit ghosts linger throughout the film movie. Never giving glimpses on what could take place around the bend. That is how true and scientific team work is done when drafting out story board agendas. Mixed in emotions of different types of country folks who try and understand one another logically. Sometimes in reality. It is worth the time and effort to trust bank institutions for best advice what to do when stuff does happen for the worse. Remember that shadows of spirit ghosts always show up in the faces of the film movie actors actresses. Having emotions of remembrance of bob blockus. Thank you. Horse Sense movie 1999.

mr bob notes

China Government:  Perez Hilton mom "Lavandeira" should buy into and utilize Luke Brown Yachts Become the traveling mom of Luke Brown Yachts. From company offices to yacht shows and becoming close friends with yacht captains & crews. This way Luke Brown Yachts can bring the Hollywood Industry in Sunny California and world-wide as new and continued clients of Luke Brown Yachts. Thank you. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Country of Iran. New president elect should be Sharon Gaiptman Capital Chat Sharon Gainptman is very soft spoken and very gifted smart as a very private person. Sharon Gainptman be able to controll Iran military super-power and controlled fuel nucleaer development for deep space travel and energy plants on Planet Earth. Economics and education is the big topic for Country of Iran. We understand It's wise to always go up hill for guidance control. Never let the economics and education go down the tubes. We agree we trust Sharon Gainptman as new president elect. Country of Iran. Thank you.  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  The Government of Spain. The banking sector district in metropolitan cities and towns throughout the country of Spain. Spearhead new money wise development program for all ages above 16. Banking institutions with it's banking officer and desk associates can show quality top notch color magazine brochures and guide every step of the way ideas and wisdom. The citizens of Spain can detect this stuff agendas. Gift rewards for making appropriate appointments with desk associates. New wave of social class performance being mentors. No pay back guarantee grants giving out at 2 percent interest rate for any purpose of life matters. Spain banking industry desk associates can set up file system of each of clients. Social moving on up performance in life. High Mountain Rangers Cody and Matt first scene ever. We thank you for your service. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Buckingham Palace England. Dr Stephen P. Oliver Professor & Co Director from Ohio State University. Knoxville, Tennessee. And Richard Bacon from bbc five live in charge development. Take down whole Buckingham Palace. Build new eight area's building complex. Seven stories high. Dover, England city government officials personal project one year goal. Eight area's building complex. Name "The New Buckingham Palace". Government office structure, Fine Arts literature music structure, Military & Navel office structure, Police & Fire office structure, Sports Recreation indoor play structure, Space Science Research office structure, Grand Ball Room Hotel Resort & Live In Quarters structure. On grounds monastery Catholic public private church, Grocery International store, Maze of fresh gardens & bushes & water falls & outdoor private swimming pool & sports bar area with adult massage xxx sauna, hot tubs & exercise building. Iron Gate Office with media press conference ball room. As one walks into the whole eight area's building complex. Helicopter & Limo port outside the building complex. Thank you.

mr bob notes

China Government:  Red Robin dinning corporation Expand into night dance club country western entertainment. Expand into larger more ultra wide buildings. Modest bar prices and free live country western music bands at popular locations. Set up Red Robin web site to draw in new talent music bands and to book seating areas in dinning and bar dance areas. Groups of fours. This would also be good setting up in lower economic areas of Canada. Making people individuals happy. Oh the dinning menu is very good. Keep up the good work. Thank you. 

Friday, June 8, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Motorola Corporation. Develop new police law enforcement communications second installed police radio transceiver units into police law enforcement autos nationwide United States. Oklahoma State Government dispatch studio control center. About 23,000 sq foot state building dispatch complex. Police radio transceiver installed units name:  X Factor 9965. Automatic manual frequencies punch in for instant connections to police law enforcement department. Manufactured in the country of China. The ability to transmit and receive into any states territory making direct contacts within police law enforcement agencies. Triple to quadruple users at same time on same frequencies. Nationwide United States Government highways ground up repeater antennas into a tangled web of connections. New higher grade clear sounding circuit rubber mounted low profile antennas. Thank you. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Britney Spears should consider working at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. As an expert socialite Eagle Scout. Working in logistics as a ranger. Seasonal years 2012, 2013 and more if she enjoys and likes the tender care of the Boy Scouts. Britney Spears should live in a issued walled tent and have celebrity status to build custom new Western luxury estate home. Authentic French Chateau five stories high with dramatic outdoor lighting. Western outdoor personal touch recreation grounds and interior. California builders. Outside the ranch boundaries. When the home is finished. Britney Spears can move in. Britney Spears body guards can blend in as additional Philmont staff members. As a logistics ranger. Britney Spears can work directly with other back country rangers. As an instructor of different camp activities when each group of Boy Scout hikers arrive on location. Britney Spears can pick and choose her own destination camps and get use of ranch transportation. The key to grand outdoor experience. Get special permission to pack own food supplies and higher grade equipment. It is wise to take one month away seasonal times for home life. The key to communications. Loose the cellular telephones and get issued two way high quality standard ranch transceiver radios. Britney kids can stay with Linda Blockus Kirk & Mark Kirk main land & Hawaii Islands United States. Before Britney Spears Western estate is finished built. Thank you.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Bill Gates Microsoft and Tom Fender "chickfila". Take down and build new island home at John VI home. 3-21 Catherineberg St John, VI 00830. bob blockus ownership. Self contained environmental electric power and world wide communications built in office desk zone with view. Indoor outdoor heated swimming pool and rock waterfall hot spa. Sunken kitchen and ultimate sports entertainment bar two story social living room. Two master bedrooms and three other bedrooms. Auto showcase inside area of house with whole glass enclose with solid island views. Name estate. Smart Island Sunset. 104 Hidden Lake Circle. Angel Fire, New Mexico. bob blockus ownership. Take down and build new cedar homes custom estate Indoor swimming heated pool with connecting swim outdoor water fall hot spa. Two master bedrooms and three bedrooms. 4,500 sq feet. Self contained environmental electric power. Two new Gem Cars built for the garage house. Guest house two bedrooms with sauna and relaxed mood sexual massage, shower and sauna room. Secured lock and storage area. Thank you.   

mr bob notes

China Government:  Britney Spears music movie person. Time Warner Communications. Organize and develop new theme parks in United States. North Dakota, Ohio, and Arizona. Jupiter, Florida corporate office complex. Name: Germany Octopus Theme Parks. German & American Engineering team. Theme parks open 24 hours non stop fun. Closed in Fall Winter months in North Dakota and Ohio. Zip Zoom Dumber annual passes and payed hotel rooms card keys. Annual theme parks passes only. Build new named brand hotels in the area with free van service shuttles. Tom Cruise movie walk way zone. Ultimate village and on stage drama stunts. Ian Feming James Bond movie walk way zone. Ultimate village and on stage drama stunts. Water swimming wave tank beach zone & raft water fall rides. Recreational vehicle camping resort. Thunder in paradise TV Series Rock & Roll stereo indoor roller coaster ride. Duration time 45 minutes. The three theme parks has international ultimate dinning & gift shops places inside the theme parks. HR Office located only in Jupiter, Florida and easy on line two week process job placement applications. User name and password protection and profile data base. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Tom Cruise and Rich Brown brother in law. Can open up new store in the Outerbanks, North Carolina. Universal-Radio from Ohio. Open 24 hours. Closed on Holidays and Sundays. Open to general public.  

Monday, May 28, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Mall Of America The city and towns around the area of famous Mall Of America shopping & entertainment district. Financial aid and support should come in and up grading public school system & area wide remodeling and or building new homes for residences. The whole area should be re named: New Upper San Dusky. Population about 150,000. Financial aid and support comes from OPEC & Bank Of America. About two year project of OPEC. Thank you.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Filmmakers from Blue Crush. Another added movie name: Blue Crush Unleashed. Novice Beverly Hills, California high school students. Hit the beaches North Shore, Hawaii. Parents got petition for home schooling on notebook computers. Perfect time to get part time jobs and learn Hawaii culture and work ethics. Best Western surf side new hotel. Four per room. Two high school gym teachers spent extra money from own bank accounts to spy on the kids young adults on location. Writing down notes in bottles that wash up on shore giving them extra guidance. Taxi cab island service blue black taxi cab company. Does a big surf contest professional with North Shore experts verses high school students. Enter fee is $2,000. Due to the lack of police patrol units in the parking lots. Hire extra staff with ticket sales. A tragic monsoon season at same time forces everyone on the other coast of the island. Mopeds utilize and buses for surf boards. Wet & Dry outdoor tents set up on beach. Contest winners get to go into the main event over in Australia with awarded airline tickets and package of fruit. At the moments notice. Thank you. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  5 Live Drive Show bbc five live radio. Outerbanks, North Carolina and whole United States and whole Canada. Freedom to travel about and produce award winning documentary shows. Life in remote places and how the economy is booming or busting it's citizens. And types of activities they enjoy. Perfect fit on board studio on Motor Coach. Hire Bob's sister lisa friend tina family member for on road support logistics. About two year full time gig with travel expenses & upgrade in income for whole 5 Live Drive Show team. Also employ one or two high performance highway SUV's drivers who would block and be front runners. Coach Model Number 1094 from Thank you.