Tuesday, June 5, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Britney Spears should consider working at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico. As an expert socialite Eagle Scout. Working in logistics as a ranger. Seasonal years 2012, 2013 and more if she enjoys and likes the tender care of the Boy Scouts. Britney Spears should live in a issued walled tent and have celebrity status to build custom new Western luxury estate home. Authentic French Chateau five stories high with dramatic outdoor lighting. Western outdoor personal touch recreation grounds and interior. California builders. Outside the ranch boundaries. When the home is finished. Britney Spears can move in. Britney Spears body guards can blend in as additional Philmont staff members. As a logistics ranger. Britney Spears can work directly with other back country rangers. As an instructor of different camp activities when each group of Boy Scout hikers arrive on location. Britney Spears can pick and choose her own destination camps and get use of ranch transportation. The key to grand outdoor experience. Get special permission to pack own food supplies and higher grade equipment. It is wise to take one month away seasonal times for home life. The key to communications. Loose the cellular telephones and get issued two way high quality standard ranch transceiver radios. Britney kids can stay with Linda Blockus Kirk & Mark Kirk main land & Hawaii Islands United States. Before Britney Spears Western estate is finished built. Thank you.

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