Saturday, June 9, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Buckingham Palace England. Dr Stephen P. Oliver Professor & Co Director from Ohio State University. Knoxville, Tennessee. And Richard Bacon from bbc five live in charge development. Take down whole Buckingham Palace. Build new eight area's building complex. Seven stories high. Dover, England city government officials personal project one year goal. Eight area's building complex. Name "The New Buckingham Palace". Government office structure, Fine Arts literature music structure, Military & Navel office structure, Police & Fire office structure, Sports Recreation indoor play structure, Space Science Research office structure, Grand Ball Room Hotel Resort & Live In Quarters structure. On grounds monastery Catholic public private church, Grocery International store, Maze of fresh gardens & bushes & water falls & outdoor private swimming pool & sports bar area with adult massage xxx sauna, hot tubs & exercise building. Iron Gate Office with media press conference ball room. As one walks into the whole eight area's building complex. Helicopter & Limo port outside the building complex. Thank you.

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