Wednesday, August 29, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  International love guidance control of deep space conquest. Always starts with the gifted ideas of bob blockus. It is understood that one must know aero dynamics, jet engines, magnetic filed entry & re entery and sound wave movements tied into a super computer high velocity nuclear reactor. Why go through thick heat circumference of planets. Do it the smart scientific way. Space magnetic field sub zero displacement engines. With the right tools and logic know how. No sonic booms. Warp factor 2,700. Electro magnetic field also helps protect nuclear reactor core on deep space flights. Why get motion sickness when on long deep space flights. Always go from point A to point Z in a matter of minutes. Our solar system was born into the future. We must look back at the expert advice of bob blockus. This is why we value science over politics. Helping man kind succeed into deep space flight. The old age Planet Pluto, Planet Saturn. Thank you

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