Thursday, May 10, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government. The Tony Mendez Show. Late Show with David Letterman. Value experts want hottest developments in the scripts of The Tony Mendez Show. The Fierce Bear comes back. Several episodes The Fierce Bear sells after the Late Show tickets to the crew staff. For New York City Zoology Course lectured by David Letterman. The Fierce Bear comes out ahead with lots of cash. David Letterman at last moment informs The Fierce Bear in person in the office hallway with crew staff on lookers. David Letterman can not make it because of having a space camp meeting. The Fierce Bear then gives back lots of cash to the crew staff. The Fierce Bear picks up David Letterman's secretary and walks out into the city street. David Letterman say's to the crew staff. "Well who wants to become my next secretary"? No words are spoken because crew staff is in dismaze. Episodes segments name: The Fierce Bear of Late Show. Tony Mendez does the narrating because The Fierce Bear can not talk only show emotions. Thank you. 

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