Wednesday, May 2, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government. Baywatch Hawaii Excellence = show name. Producer, Director David Hasselhoff, Christopher P. Television network Resort lifeguards & activities personnel. Episode 1. Bad Judgement rookie surfer Jayson gets stood up on high school prom date & bumps into Mitch chaperon sports store owner Hawaii strip mall. Together they draw out plans for Baywatch life guards service at resort hotel. They got more than they hoped for. First Class villa estate structured lease terms & able to hire and employ 23 other top notch men women life guards. They use the villa estate with stair lookout tower overseeing whole beach side and resort pool side. Romance judgement issues and micro fast talking ability key guidelines for new hires. Yellow & red active glow swim suites with logo Episode 2. Lucky Irish. Life guard Jayson gets tangled between being rookie surfer out on Big Pipe Line Classic and personal traffic citations for night time romance in bad areas of city town. Mitch tries to talk Jayson into hiring a body guard. Episode 3 Tanning Oil. life guard Maria payroll executive understands making time being more friends with co workers than doing accounting at office desk. Island native drama shows dancers at day times entertaining guests. At same time bad weather sets in ducking for cover in safe area of hotel resort. Episode 4 Cliff Water Fall. life guard Brenda and Sam and Tina struggles through fast moving tropical river on surf board kites 24 feet in air. Trying to pick up extra get rich income from corporate bank owner investing into the new sports product. Life guard Jayson saves the day and calls a friend on mainland trying to line up wind direction with right amount of ropes weight. Episode 5 Spoil Me. It' Mitch & life guard Jayson vacation period. They give the leadership role to life guard Tina. Mitch & life guard Jayson heads out on Mitch brother executive jet to Australia. Hitting the theme parks left and right and few golf courses. They pick up yacht charter to live aboard. They learn how to be top cooks with the crew trying to sing songs together with wine and soft pop music in background from United States. Then two more seasons of Baywatch Hawaii Excellence television episodes from more soundbite ideas and or write up notes from bob blockus. Thank you.       

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