Thursday, August 30, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Roadways and Highways be more responsible for individual and commercial drivers. Auto tags when ordered should have extra annual cost to help pay for area sector locations throughout the United States. We should discontinue ticket entry booths. Upswing more high performance traffic construction and perform honest safe maintenance. Construction and maintenance work crews can be transferred and travel throughout the United States. Center stage base of operation can be in Boston, Massachusetts. Logistics and budget money are the key factor making each worker happy for long periods of honest work and opportunism. America's Roadways and Highways are the lime light of valued historic trips for each American family. We owe our auto, truck, bus, traffic system being the very best whole system in the world. Everything should not be messed up in a tangled spider web. It should sing with harmony. Thank you

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  International love guidance control of deep space conquest. Always starts with the gifted ideas of bob blockus. It is understood that one must know aero dynamics, jet engines, magnetic filed entry & re entery and sound wave movements tied into a super computer high velocity nuclear reactor. Why go through thick heat circumference of planets. Do it the smart scientific way. Space magnetic field sub zero displacement engines. With the right tools and logic know how. No sonic booms. Warp factor 2,700. Electro magnetic field also helps protect nuclear reactor core on deep space flights. Why get motion sickness when on long deep space flights. Always go from point A to point Z in a matter of minutes. Our solar system was born into the future. We must look back at the expert advice of bob blockus. This is why we value science over politics. Helping man kind succeed into deep space flight. The old age Planet Pluto, Planet Saturn. Thank you

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Giant Industry of Fast Food Companies & Hotel Motel Companies. Come out with a new work ethic policy to help steer America into Middle Class Citizens. When one gets hired offer assistance in banking, instant temporary loans, higher education degrees, one week pay check periods with company monthly bonuses. Never let an employee go. Always move them around within the company. We value internal companies as whole families. Offer custom made catalogues to offer prize token gifts that's worth more than normal pay checks to employees. Establish discounts on travel and entertainment within the company catalogues. Offer online support profiles of each employees with contacts information. We value friends co workers for life. Bank Of America corporation board of directors key figure guidance for this project. Thank you  

Monday, August 27, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Bernard Goldberg Yacht Management Team. Beverly Hills, California. Name company "The Five Yacht Stars". Hire full working staff and open office store front 24 hours. Have learning training classes for new crew placement. Everything done internal. Cruise Ship Liners job placement accounts can be also fulfilled. Easy online applications and quick turn around hire process. Education teachers from Ohio State University. Second Yacht Management office can be established in Tokyo, Japan. Crew Placement, Yacht Management, Yacht Finance, Yacht Marketing. Thank you

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Russia Tea Party. Russia Politics into thinking logic of bob blockus. We span globe for best honest thinking mans womens game. Take brunt out of normal work jobs into gleem light of good safe live show stunts. That help icon image of bob blockus. Generation of achievements of over 40 sum years a new prime organization as RTP. Can produce award winning news casts and television network cable shows. Make personal income money and opportunities for young and old. We value respect and sometimes harsh judgments onto people individuals. We like to upswing more growth opportunites and bring in guiding light of laughter. When money is good we have less crime and eduational issues with schools and universities. Music, Movies, and Radio Stations network shows next step. Spear head the new organization Russia Tea Party from University Of Liverpool England We may think twice. It may be good to think with bob blockus. Thank you   

Saturday, August 18, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: United States Government should work on having less laws and less arrests by police and law enforcement. Today's society we are more mature and grow stronger with solid good family values and education. City Ordinances be more stiffer to help fight crime. Richard Branson wants United States people & individuals to be more free and more open minded. We value a strong happy nation that is under the loop hole of creativity. Thank you 

Monday, August 6, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Rocky Mountain News in Denver, Colorado. Should team up with Disney Corporation. Establish new Capital Marketplace Commercial spy ring onto bob blockus. Hire outstanding North Carolina, Colorado, And Alaska Citizens. Buy high quality estate homes for work force staff in outskirts area of Colorado. Make a "GOOD GAME Minister King" for all the television cable networks. The highly publicized weathiest The First Kid Bob Blockus. Hire about 2,500 work force. Incorporate Sony and Panasonic studio stuff. Issue out year to year contracts to television cable networks shows. Writers scripts and photo video images United States, England, United Kingdom market place. About ten years strong.

Friday, August 3, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Metropolitan Cities throughout Hawaii Islands, Alaska and United States. Subway dinning places Organize manufacture new type order online Photo ID gift card. Built in unsecured line of credit of about $2,500. And ability to add more funds for subway food. Citizens able to utilize the card for domestic travel services uses. One subway travel gift card per customer. No interest rate or monthly service fees with one time pre pay fee $400. Sometimes it is good to have loop hole in the United States for bug out times. The moon and stars sometimes right. It is also good to think through stuff first.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: LA, California Traffic Plan. Develop social media web site myspace into grand scale social network job data base for whole states of California, Washington, and Arizona. When one has too much day in day out traffic issues with job & family. Easy hire and job performance tracker online applications from major employers. One stop place for relocating information and guidance. At same time making new friends & associates. It is rewarding for always having knowing how to get jobs right online with little guess work.