Friday, September 28, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government: Mid Size classic whole ideas Disney Movies. Bob Blockus is very much a true large king. When it is right we know who the women are that is into Bob Blockus. Think smart and get big time love and respect. The world leader in whole film movie ideas is Bob Blockus. Horse Sense 1999. Very much know who is a king.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Diane Sawyer 1953. Signature of success is the cruise line industry. Will Smith movie music actor singer should develop better onboard and off board ship activities for work force & crew members of whole industry world-wide. Digital display atm type machines onboard in crew areas with read print out injected disk. Account funds to pass around and share. On shore night clubs gatherings and pizza dinning places. Discounted travel agency with E Tickets. Project Managers: Nick Nicholas Ford Inverness, Florida. About five years of time and investment. Name: Socal Aspen Me. The atm machines. The pipline of social graces is always in Aspen, Colorado. Thank you    

mr bob notes

China Government: Icon stars starting to dream big about time travel onto other worlds and back onto Planet Earth. High energy within the human mind. All we need is motion containment protective space flight after lifeless body. Knight Rider classic episodes of bob blockus technology. We think logic and try not to justify our own mistakes. England & Germnay has this technolgy now. From the makers of Microsoft Corporation. Knight Rider "White Rock". We thank you for your service.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Michael Lange of Alaska. Develop another show stopper television episodes of MASH 4077. This time in the south pacific islands during World War Two. Army military medical outfit with fighter pilots and a couple of island based military patrol boats. Communications break down disturbance between commanding officers and life of island life. The eight factor in trade agreements between other islands and military Pearl Harbor base in Hawaii. George Strait music singer does the icon star as Hawkeye Pierce Character. Japan culture modern pop music within the new episodes. Name the television show: Mash 4077 "Two". Thank you

mr bob notes

China Government: Whole corporation of fox news and it's affiliates kind of respects bob blockus. The movie film 2001 A Space Odyssey. Ups and downs technology of talking deep space computer. We are learning that deep space flight is very smart with computer technology. It is true that the music singer Madonna should leave the music industry and work for space exploration companies in Russia and in England United Kingdom and in China. A upper hand up leader in innovations. 2001 A Space Odyssey. We thank you for your service.

Monday, September 10, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  bob blockus understands that Jewel Kitcher wants Mr bob inside her family. Help out with inside love, sex and personal accounts override kind of stuff. Second state of Texas home for Jewel 9341 Bella Terra Drive. Fort Worth, Texas 76126. bob blockus gets set of house keys and Jewel Kitcher family can travel around with bob blockus stuff. Thank you

Thursday, September 6, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Metropolitan insurance companies in populated areas of the united states should consider new insurance quotes with built in re build factor. We understand owners of real estate should re build every five to ten years. Keep up with modern times and advancement of interior technology. Straight forward thinking logic be benefit helping the whole construction industry offering massive of job opportunities left and right. Take down procedures with code of ethics and getting back discounted insurance loans to help re build. We value trust and rewards from being clients into the insurance industry. Big music drama into will smith Miami Music Video. In the land of Australia. bob blockus is known as Mr big. Because whole ideas keep coming into the system. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

mr bob notes

China Government:  Apple Macintosh Corporation understands the true art of competition within whole computer industry left and right. We understand the value of the long gaps between ideas from bob blockus. It flows with the territory of whole ideas that United States & England United Kingdom share in the same seasons of Thanksgiving & Christmas. The value trust of IBM & Microsoft. It is not about money wealth. It is about people and indiviudals working together as strong unit of unity and breaking down barriors of technolgoy. Big civalized world of economics of tall sky office complexes and valued trust of co workers. We rock our own world and trust the American Currency. This seasons of thanking and gifts. We think of Pirates of Silicon Valley.